Sept 28 - Oct 1
Revue Cinema
Of course you can build a chopper in one month and for under a thousand dollars, if you're a mechanic or a fabricator. But what if you have no experience at all? After being spectators for years, the filmmakers set out to prove this statement right or wrong once and for all. Dirty hands and hilarity ensue in this film from the Handsome Asians Motorcycle Club.
About the Director
Paolo Asuncion has over 20 years of experience in multiple digital arts disciplines and together with a small team dubbed as The Handsome Asians Motorcycle Club, Paolo has produced award winning documentaries and short films.
Film Info
Premiere: Canadian
Release Year: 2015
Runtime: 58 minutes
Language: English
Country: United States
Director: Paolo Asuncion
Producers: Frank Pascual, Erik Pascual, Luis Baptista
Key Cast: Paolo Asuncion, Frank Pascual, Luis Baptista, Erik Pascual, Poll Brown