Directed by Danny McGee and Jonah Levine
Documentary | 78 minutes | USA | 2024 | English | INTL. PREMIERE
With very little planning, three friends set out on the biggest adventure of their lives - riding off road motorcycles from LA to the southern tip of South America. Southbound follows the first leg of their journey from LA to the border of Guatemala through Saguaro filled forests, deserted Baja coastlines, passing between 17,000 ft mountains.
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Director Statement
Both of us are lucky enough to work in the film industry doing commercial work full time. But what inspired us to get into the industry in the first place was long format travel films. As life got busier and busier we sort of lost sight of that. Two years ago we decided enough was enough, and we'd make the series we'd been dreaming about, and Southbound is the result. This is a passion project that is entirely self funded and we've put countless hours into creating it - so we truly hope you enjoy it.
Director Bio
Danny McGee is an award winning travel and adventure filmmaker and drone pilot based in Colorado. He is known for his commercial work with companies like Redbull, Google, DJI, GoPro, and United Airlines. His original travel films have been shown in film festivals across the US, and drone work featured in documentaries and films worldwide.
Jonah Levine is an accomplished DP and filmmaker based in Los Angeles. His ability to beautifully tell visual stories has led him to work with Ford, Corona, Justin Bieber and Future.
Directed by
Danny McGee, Jonah Levine
Written by
List of writers
Produced by
Danny McGee, Jonah Levine, Jesse Evers
Danny McGee, Jonah Levine, Jesse Evers
List of cinematographers
List of editors
List of colorists
Music & Sound
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